2000078-001 | |
43252199 | |
Diagnostic ECG | |
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- Corrosion resistant
- Hardness and rigidity
- Good dimensional stability
- High strength-to-weight ratio
Product Overview
- The Recorder Drive Flap Complete with Gearwheels and Roller in Diagnostic ECG is used in mac 1200, mac 1100 and mac 1200th. It is a type of Caster wheel. It does not contain any flanges, and it is sealed. It is a kit which includes a roller, spring, recorder door, slide bar, hood, spacer, cover, gear wheel, bearing ball and bearing pin. It is made from the material which possess water resistant, chemical resistant, excellent resilience, malleability and conductivity. It is manufactured using high precision techniques which helps to achieve a good surface finish as well as good product consistency. Also used in mac 1200 with batt usa, marq mac 1200, Assay mac1200 with the modem, ass tram rac 4A w/pwr sply and other medical equipments as applicable. The GE product is an Innovation and a state of the art technology which fits well into versatile customer needs.
Additional Features
- RoHS compliant
Equivalent Item(s):
Below is more information on the equivalent item(s). Items without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent Item(s) | Item Details |
43252199 | RECORDER DOOR |