ASM002015 | |
Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine | |
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- Low maintenance required
- Good mechanical resistance
- High thermal stability
- High electrical properties
Product Overview
The Gantry Auxiliary 24 VDC Power Supply is used in the Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine. It is mainly used to regulate the power supply for a system with voltage sensitivity enough to perform in a specific environment. The main function is to prevent an unintended shut down. It has high efficiency over the entire load range. The characteristics of the 24V power supply is a high discharge rate, deep discharge recovery and long service life, and it has resistance from corrosion. The power supply system requires a small mounting surface. It comes in safe packaging, protecting from shipping damages and is labeled with the required details. It is used in a wide range of medical equipment like Cardiac Ufc, Xeleris Up 31, Ventri Acquisition, Nm Xeleris 3 Upgrade and Discovery 600 Standard System, among others.
Additional Features
- Reliable and durable
- Dimensionally stable
- Increased lifespan
- Low environmental impact
- Easy to portable
- Lightweight
- High performance
- Less hazardous to the environment
- Smart and intelligent power protection
- RoHS compliant