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Performix CJ64

2137130-11 D3188T
Optima CT660
GE HealthCare
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제품 개요

Performix CJ64

The Performix™ 40 expands the Performix family of GE tubes with significant design enhancements to support 0.35 second full scans and 64 slice, 40 mm coverage. Giving you the power to perform, the new 7.4 MJ, 72 kW Performix 40 X-ray tube demonstrates the performance you expect from GE brand X-ray tubes. Since its launch in 1998, as GE’s first designed-for-Six-Sigma product, Performix tubes are a benchmark for CT tube performance, delivering exceptional image quality.

Higher throughput

• 4.7 MJ 200mm target design minimizes tube cooling delays

• Innovative thermal coatings and metal ceramic insert combine with the high dissipation housing design to optimize patient throughput

Exceptional imaging performance

• Brazed graphite target design utilizing a patented braze process gives superior helical performance compared to standard industry practice


• Innovative high capacity bearing and anode designs give outstanding reliability, even at the high g-loads associated with 0.35s gantry rotation speeds

• Metal/ceramic frame significantly improves insert reliability for exceptional tube life

• High-voltage surge protection designed into the tube assembly provides exceptional high voltage stability

• Each insert is conditioned well beyond the rating which provides stability at 140 kVp

호환 제품

Discovery 610

Discovery 610

Discover 710

Discover 710

Optima CT660

Optima CT660

Optima CT680

Optima CT680

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동등 품목제품 세부 사항
2137130-11 Performix CJ64
D3188T Performix CJ64
©2025 GE HealthCare
GE is a trademark of General Electric Company. Used under trademark license.
상호명: 지이헬스케어코리아㈜
대표이사: 김은미
경기도 성남시 중원구 순환로 214번길 9 / 서울시 중구
한강대로 415
사업자 등록번호: 129-81-14880
Email: my.gehealthcareko@gehealthcare.com
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